Hintf Webzine
*The original text is written in Portuguese, this has been googled translated. Hintf: Thanks for responding to this interview! What were your expectations when it all began? In the summer of Black of 2017, me and my old friend Jonas Persson (guitar), drank a warm beer at the Chinese restaurant ”Mandarinen” in Gothenburg. As usual, … Continued
S.O.S Metal radio
Dear music lovers in darkness, followers of screams, horror & devilry! On the 30:th of November S.O.S Heavy Metal Radio (Portugal) and the rock/metal band Svarta Sanningar (Sweden) are proud to introduce you to the debut EP ”Kapitel 1”, which can be described as a manuscript to a italian horror movie, based upon a fictive … Continued
Cryptic Rock
We welcome you to open your eyes to a most secretive order, one formed by doomsday contractors, misunderstood scientists, and occultists who, to preach the truth about the forces of darkness that surround us all, have chosen the most dangerous form of art: Hard Rock. Enter Svarta Sanningar and the Kapitel 1 EP, which arrives … Continued
Made in metal
*The original text is written in spanish, this has been googled translated. We are proud to discuss for you the debut EP of the Swedish quartet Svarta Sanningar, where our friend Klas Bohlin, known for being the Swedish Gothic vocalist Beseech, also plays the role of drummer Håkan Carlsson. The other two components are bassist … Continued
Dagens Musiktips
Den 30:e November släpper det mystiska ordenssällskapet och domedagsprofeterna Svarta Sanningar första kapitlet i sina predikningar om vår framtid och om mörkrets krafter. Enligt bandet/sällskapet så har vi en tid av skrik, skräck och djävulskap att förvänta oss. Och att enda vägen framåt är att omfamna mörkret, att det finns stora krafter i pentagrammet och … Continued
Short Sharp Shock #25
Svarta Sanningar is a new band brought to you by the talented singer of Beseech, whose voice acts as a well-performed focal point on this very enjoyable and moreish EP. His vocals are all in Swedish, and the EP seems to have a concept of sorts with a backstory. The music has a rock-based approach … Continued
Svarta Sanningar — новый проект участников Beseech, чей дебютный ЕР рассказывает историю, полную «криков, ужасов и бесовства, окутанных оккультизмом, ритуальными убийствами и скиммерами, выраженными в самой опасной форме хард-рока». Опасная форма — это, как выяснилось, ныне модное сочетание из stoner, occult rock, proto doom и dark folk. Добавьте к этому мрачный меланхолический флер, унаследованный от … Continued