mediaChapter 2-arkiv - Svarta Sanningar

Browse by release: Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Terra Relicta

It seems that the current and ex-members of the legendary gothic metal band Beseech are full of creative energy, and after Erik Molarin’s and Jonas Strömberg’s (both ex-members) band Dark, who at the end of April released a good EP Inside The Void, now the vocalist Klas Bohlin and drummer Håkan Carlsson, accompanied by guitarist … Continued

Inferno magazine

* (google translated from Finnish) Black Truths began in 2017 when the Beseech band’s founder, singer Klas Bohlin and guitarist Jonas Persson talk about music, vinyl and the idea of starting a new band. Bassist Mattias Lejon and Beseech drummer Håkan Carlsson were soon recruited. The debut EP Chapter 1 was released in 2018 and … Continued


* (google translated from Italian) It was September 29, 1976 when a landslide of enormous proportions devastated the island of Fjärrö, a few kilometers away from Gothenburg, Sweden. The incident was classified as a natural catastrophe, nothing to worry too much about, although a thorough investigation by the secret services revealed much more mysterious and … Continued

Velvet Thunder

Let this band lead you into the darkness (their name roughly translates as ‘black truths’) In May, the Swedish band Svarta Sanningar released their latest EP Kapitel 2, which is a stand-alone sequel to the previous EP Kapitel 1 from 2018. The band’s music can best be described as occult post-rock with elements of goth … Continued

Rockbladets musicpanel

Jonas Lööw – 8/10 Black Truths clearly has something new. Mix between melancholy indie rock as in the song Chemical Reincarnation, mixed with darker slightly doomed sound in the Preparation. The whole thing with the band is I long to see them live and hope for a magical visual show. In terms of categorization, I … Continued

All around metal

* (Google translated from Italian) The history of Svarta Sanningar began when two old friends, singer Klas Bohlin and guitarist Jonas Persson, met in Gothenburg to chat about music and records until the idea of ​​forming their own band emerged. Shortly after, bassist Mattias Lejon and drummer Håkan Carlsson joined. As they say, the rest … Continued


Swedish occult Post-Rock and Gothic Metal agents Svarta Sanningar are back with the follow-up to 2018’s Kapitel 1 EP. Aptly-entitled the Kapitel 2 EP, their latest arrived on Friday, May 21, 2021 thanks to a mysterious fog over the island of Fjärrö. In English, we might call them “Black Truths,” though in any language Svarta … Continued


One of Swedish finest bands finally launches their second EP! We already spread the word about the first single and here is the rest of the story: On Friday the 21st of May, Svarta Sanningar (Swe) will release the EP ”Kapitel 2”, which is a stand-alone sequel to the previous EP ”Kapitel 1” from 2018. … Continued

Sveriges Radio P4 Sjuhärad

This week we visited Swedish Radio P4 Sjuhärad, where we talked about the new single, as well as the work on the upcoming EP Chapter 2. If you are curious about the interview in its entirety, you can listen afterwards. Del 1: Del 2: